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Ongoing Hair Management

After a hair loss treatment, ongoing management is essential to maintain the results. This may include ongoing medication, regular follow-up appointments, and at-home care. The type of ongoing management will depend on the treatment that was used. Someone who is using medication to treat their hair loss will need to continue taking the medication as prescribed and have regular checkups with their doctor to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment. By following the recommendations of their healthcare provider, patients can help to ensure that their hair loss treatment is successful.

Ongoing Management

Different Treatments

There are a number of oral treatments  that can help with hair loss. The most common oral medications that are FDA approved for hair loss are Finasteride and Minoxidil and work through different mechanisms.


Finasteride is a prescription medication that is taken daily, and  works by blocking the production of DHT, a hormone that contributes to hair loss. DHT receptors are commonly found on the scalp and prostate. DHT is formed from testosterone.


Minoxidil is another oral medication that is commonly used to treat hair loss. Minoxidil stimulates current hair follicles from the resting to growth phase and additionally helps hair to stay in a longer growth phase resulting in fuller hair growth.  Minoxidil often is taken topically and less commonly taken as an oral medication and requires a physician to prescribe it when used orally.


Additionally, many oral supplements can assist with hair re-growth, such as certain vitamins and minerals. 

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